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Lady Bay

Primary School

Growing together: Caring for ourselves, each other and the environment

Main Slideshow and school values

School Values

  • Respect
  • Enjoyment
  • Determination
  • Collaboration
  • Reflection
  • Curiosity

Reflection and caring for the environment – assembly this week

This week, the assembly focus was on Earth hour. We talked to 
the children about the environmental issues they already knew 
about and about what is happening to the planet. We also 
discussed what we can do to try to limit our environmental impact. 
We discussed the need to work towards a more stable climate 
where people and animals can thrive. Earth hour is on Saturday 
evening between 8.30pm and 9.30pm where as many people as 
possible are encouraged to switch off all their lights for an hour as 
a sign of unity towards a common goal.
